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Home » 2021/22 » Queen Elizabeth II RIP

Queen Elizabeth II RIP


I have lived overseas for 19 years, but I was never prouder to be British than yesterday. I am a (South) London boy and the world’s best city was resplendent as the country and the world stood still to witness the first state funeral in almost everyone’s lifetime.

It was an emotional yet beautiful spectacle as the world watched every tiny detail so perfected that not even the biggest budget or best film director could recreate. The Queen meticulous to the end as every rehearsed and planned aspect was executed perfectly. Real life theatre showing history being made. It was a wonderful tribute to the most loved sovereign.

Literally how iconic are Westminster Abbey and Windsor Castle. Jaw-dropping buildings, older than most countries. The pipers, the choristers, the bearers…. the transfer of the coffin to and from the gun carriage. That got me 😢 I have to say.

The possession down the Long Walk to Windsor Castle was hypnotizing, the crowds, the flowers, the Queen’s horse Emma, the corgi’s waiting. Then the lone piper walking off into the distance. So poignant, so moving.

Still, it was a funeral, a family had lost a matriarchal loved one. I suspect all of us watching were drawn to think about our own loved ones that we have lost. This whole week especially I have thought a lot about my Nan, who was our very own family protector and guide. I have missed her a lot this week.

Charles looked broken at the end. What a week he has had. He has a lot to live up to, and the world is a different place, but I wish him nothing but the best.

An historic and emotional day. Sleep well you majesty and God Save The King. 🇬🇧

Kirsty Young said it best:

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